Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event that started 23 years ago. It’s an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health – something that we’ve all become more focused on during, and since, the pandemic. The event has grown to become one of the biggest awareness weeks across the UK and globally.
This year’s theme is Movement: Moving more for our mental health. Movement is important for mental health, as even a walk round the block can help to change our mood.
Why is movement important for mental health?
Moving more can increase your energy, reduce stress and improve your self-esteem. Exercise releases endorphins which can make us feel better, reduce anxiety and help us to get more sleep.
Even the smallest bit of movement can make a difference. It could be taking the dog for a walk, dancing in the kitchen while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, having a kick-about with friends or whatever works best for you.
You can also take part in sports activities at college, speak to your Student Enrichment Officer or Head of Student Experience to find out more.
Taking part in exercise with others can also help us to make new friends and help us to learn how to trust each other more and learn how to work better as a team.
On-campus support
If you or one of your mates is struggling with their mental health, you can pop into Student Support and have a chat, talk to a mental health first aider or speak to your teacher.
Things you can do to help your mental health
ӰƬ is committed to supporting our students’ mental health and well-being. That’s why we’ve put together a range of resources and information to help you manage your mental health and find the support you need.
– Fika is a mental fitness website and
app that helps support your mental health and wellbeing. It features lots of useful online courses to manage a variety of concerns.
Top tips on looking after your own well being during exam season – find some really good tips and tricks here tohelp you through exams
Where to get more help
- – Mind is a mental health charity that provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
- – Anxiety UK is a charity that supports those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression.
- – YoungMinds is a charity that works to improve the mental health of young people in the UK.
- – a great resource with lots of advice, tips and support for dealing with anxiety and anxious feelings
- – offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.
- – standing together to show life is always worth living.
- – The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. Here to help on any challenge – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs.
- – Shout is the UK’s first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.
What we’re doing during Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
From on-campus activities, talk and workshops – there’s lots to explore and discover throughout the week.
Wear Green for Mental Health
On Thursday 16 May, we’re encouraging students and staff to wear green to raise awareness of mental health issues.
If you’re able to, please donate to MindGreen, our initiative that supports the wellbeing of staff and students, via the donation boxes available throughout our campuses.
What’s happening at your campus?
Banbury and Bicester College
- Monday 13May:Mindful Yoga, 12.45-2.45pm,in the hall
- Wednesday 15 May: Tea and talk party with activities, 1-4pmin the Hall
- Wednesday 15 May: Men’s mental health, 1-2pm, Foscote
- Wednesday 15 May: Fashion show with pop-up shop, The Quad
- Thursday 16 May: Drone demo, 12.30-1.30pm, The Quad
- All week: Paws for thought, meet and stroke our animals, 12.30-1.30pm
- All week: Live music with Lily, 12.30-1.30pm, The Quad.
Bracknell and Wokingham College
- Monday 13 May: Breakfast boost with cereal bars, positive bananas and posters promoting what events are happening during the week, 8.30-9.30am, reception
- Monday 13 May: Calm room, explore how digital technology can help you relax, 12-1pm, Immersive Room
- Tuesday 14 May: Squishmallow Hunt, meet Ashley in Reception to go on a treasure hunt for tiny creatures to win a squishmallow, 11am-2pm, Reception
- Tuesday 14 May: Sport in Mind stand, where you can get information on the impact of physical activity and movement has on mental health, and how to access their support and service, 10am-1pm
- Tuesday 14 May: Loom band workshop, time tbc,Recharge.
- Wednesday 15 May: Bucks Mind information stand, 11am-1pm, Recharge and Reception
- Wednesday 15 May: ARC Counselling Youth Access stand, 11am-1pm, Recharge and Reception
- Thursday 16 May: Fidget toys and bananas, 8.30am, Reception
- Thursday 16 May: Meet Bruno, therapy dog from Pets as Therapy,
- Thursday 16 May: Post box for encouraging messages and raffle, 12-2pm, Recharge
- All week: Discounts for Village Gym, Recharge
Farnham College
- Monday 13 May: Samaritans stand where you can find out the support they can offer, 12-2pm
- Tuesday 14 May: Nuffield Health stand discussing the benefits of exercise and freebies. ‘Give it a go’ activity for students , 12.30pm, the Mez.
- Tuesday 14 May: Bloom workshops about coping with exam stress, 11am-12pm, FS-702
- Thursday 16 May: Breakfast boost with drinks, breakfast bars and fruit, 8.30am.
- Thursday 16 May: Pets as Therapy Dogs visit for students to drop in, have cuddles and start conversations, lunchtime, by Reception.
- All week: Mental health resources display by Psychology and Art students, by Reception
- All week: Mindfulness and relaxation activities drop in, in the Faith room.
- All week: Appreciation letters, cards available for students to write positive messages to others, lobby.
Guildford College
- Thursday 16 May: GCSE refreshments, 8.30am
- Thursday 16 May: Pets as therapy visit for students to drop in, have cuddles and start conversations
- All week: Mindfulness and relaxation activities, Agile Space.
Merrist Wood College
- Monday 13 May and Tuesday 14 May: Breakfast boost with tea, coffee and breakfast items
- Monday 13 May and Tuesday 14 May: Surrey Youth Commissioner Team, here to talk to you about your safety and wellbeing – 11.30am-4pm in the Lecture Theatre
- Monday 13 May, Surrey Police stand promoting personal safety and support services, 12.30-1.30pm
- Monday 13 May: Guildford Spectrum, pop along to find out more about their fitness programmes, products and services, 12.1.30pm, Harris Centre
- Tuesday 14 May: Public Services project: Cycle to France, Public Services Level 3 students are planning and delivering an event where members of the college community are being encouraged to cycle the distance from a location in the UK to France on a spin bike, all day, outside Harris Centre
- Wednesday 15 May, Talk and Trees, explore and learn about the wide range of trees we have on site, 12.30-1.30pm
- Wednesday 15 May, NHS Sexual Health, information stand giving out advice, free contraception and chlamydia testing kits. Promoting local sexual health clinics in local area. 11.30am-1.30pm
- Thursday 16 May: GCSE refreshments before and after exams, 8.30am and late morning
- Thursday 16 May: Bootcamp, join our inclusive exercise class, 12.30-1.15pm, back of Woody’s,
- Friday 17 May: Samaritans will be holding a stand promoting their services and handing out freebies, 11.30am-1.30pm, Harris Centre
- Friday 17 May: Wellness walks with doggies, go for a walk in the woods, 12.30-1.30pm, meet outside Harris Centre
- All week: Mindful colouring and motivational freebies, collect from the Harris Centre
- All week: Wellbeing and Mindfulness Apps, explore a wide range of apps including meditation, soothing music and exploring landscapes, Learning Environment
- All week: Display of student work supporting the theme of MHAW, Harris Centre
- All week: Sunflower seeds, collect your free sunflower seeds from the Learning Environment and enjoy growing a plant.
Reading College
- Monday 13 May: Endorphins Challenge, meet Lauren at reception to engage in some small fun activities to get your endorphins up and see for yourself the positive impact of movement on your mood, mental health, and wellbeing, 12.30pm, reception.
- Wednesday 15 May: Pure Gym visit, speaking about movement and wellbeing and showing some popular Pilates moves for wellbeing, 12.30pm, reception
- Wednesday 15 May: Social Anxiety Workshops, a session on social anxiety and strategies to support yourself being organised by Charlotte Morgan, Gill the College Counsellor, and Amanda from CAHMS, 12:45-1:30pm, B50
- Thursday 16 May: Sessions with Sports students, have a session with our sports year 2 students about the impact of movement and physical health onto mental health, 11.30am-1.30pm, the Gym
- Friday 17 May: Fun Friday, take part different activities and have fun.
City of Oxford College and University Centre, Oxford city-centre campus
- Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 May: Pets as therapy dog visit, for students to drop in, have cuddles with Jess and start conversations
- Tuesday 14 May: Oxford School Chaplaincy, an opportunity to chat and receive information about Christian Union, Oxford School Chaplaincy and guidance on Mental Health, Recharge, 2-3pm
- Wednesday 15 May: Space Makers mindfulness sessions with our Chaplaincy team, 9.30-10.30am and 11am-12pm, J105
- Thursday 16 May: Refreshments and positivity cards, fruit, breakfast bars and water available, 8.30am
- All week: Colouring in for mindfulness, Learning Environment
City of Oxford College, Technology Campus
- Thursday 16 May: Pets as therapy dog visit
- All week: Colouring in for mindfulness, outside student support
Keep an eye on our on-campus plasma screens and posters or via to find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 at your campus!